NSW Online Registry
Courts and Tribunals

How to request a copy of a judgment or order

This demonstration will briefly step you through the online process for requesting a copy of a judgment or order.

Video transcript for requesting a copy of a judgment or order

This NSW Online Registry video will step you through the process for Requesting a copy of a Judgment or Order, including steps to:

  • Access the form
  • Complete the form online
  • Download the court sealed document

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You can use the Request for Copy of Judgment or Order form to request an official, sealed copy of any judgment or order made by the court. 

In order to make this request, you will need to be logged in to your Online Registry account and have the case available in your case list. 

Enter applicable search criteria to locate your case.

[The search results will display onscreen.]

To access the form to request the copy of Judgment or Order, you can click the file form icon beside the case name.

This will display a pop up window. 

Scroll down to access the form.

Alternatively, if you’re unsure about whether the Court has entered the judgment or order, or you want to read the full text of the judgment or order first, you should view the case details then request the copy of judgment or order. 

To do this, click the case name. 

Then click the Judgments & orders tab.

This tab will display all judgments or orders that have been made by the Court. 

You can click the view full orders link for more details. 

If the judgment or order you require is noted onscreen, click the Request copy of judgment/order button to file the request form online.

A pop up window will display. Scroll down to locate the form in the list...

Select the form name to begin.

[The Request for Cory of Judgment or Order form, or UCPR 43 will display.]

The information here will be pre-populated based off information entered in previous forms. Scroll down to select the Judgment or order you require

If you have more than one judgment or order, select the required one from the list, noting that the most recent one will be selected by default.

Then click Next.

The Forms awaiting payment screen is displayed. You will need to complete the payment before the request is submitted to the court. 
Select the form from the list…
…then click Next.

Complete the payment using either a registered credit card (if you have one), or by entering your credit card details.

Once payment has been made, you will see a confirmation that your form has been submitted.
You will also receive an email to confirm your submission. This email will contain the court approved form, and a tax invoice for your payment.

To view the court approved form online, click the case name...

Then click the Filed documents tab.

It may take a few minutes following submission for your form to display in this list. If it’s not displaying, try waiting a few minutes then refresh your browser.

Once available, click the form name in the list.

A PDF version of the court approved judgment or order will download...

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